Microwave and fridge bacteria

Did you know that if you don’t clean your microwave after every use you could be cross-contaminating other foods/drinks? Your microwave is one of the safest places to defrost frozen foods, but it might not be safe afterwards. Think about it: If you thaw meat in the microwave, and some meat juice drips down or splatters on the wall. Anything you put in there afterwards could be cross-contaminated by the uncooked meat juice. Clean your microwave with a sanitizing wipe or light detergent after…

7 Brain/Development Stimulating activities you can do with your baby:

These activities are meant to give you ideas of fun things to do with your child that will boost your baby’s brain power. They are easy, everyday moves can help your baby, and later your toddler, further develop language, attention, and reasoning skills. Picture flash cards – bold black, white and red images for new-borns is particularly stimulating as they stimulate the development of the optic nerves and encourage young babies cognitive development without over-stimulating them. Textural play – one great way to keep…

Things you can do to childproof your home at no cost

The first and greatest task you can begin with, is to go around your home on your hands and knees and starting at the front door. Work your way through the house, room by room, searching for everything that could be a hazard to your baby/toddler. Turn down the temperature of your geyser to avoid accidental scalding when the hot taps are turned on. Either purchase a new crib or make sure that the inheritted crib you are using conforms to the most recent…

Child proofing the living areas around your home

Although there are a few grace months before your baby starts moving around on her own, you’ll need to tackle a few child proofing tasks in the meantime to keep you and your newborn safe. If you can think about anything from shaky furniture pieces to slippery floors that could hurt you while you have baby in your arms. If you think you’re prepared, have an extra look around your home as there have been studies that showed when first-time mothers of children aged 1 to…