These activities are meant to give you ideas of fun things to do with your child that will boost your baby’s brain power.

They are easy, everyday moves can help your baby, and later your toddler, further develop language, attention, and reasoning skills.

  1. Picture flash cards – bold black, white and red images for new-borns is particularly stimulating as they stimulate the development of the optic nerves and encourage young babies cognitive development without over-stimulating them.

  2. Textural play – one great way to keep baby in tummy time position for more than 2 minutes is by introducing new textures. From sand, water, and jelly to grass, different fabric and textures which make a sound like leaves.

  3. Crawling through tunnels – I had no idea how important crawling was, until my daughter was not crawling by 16 months. It was mostly because of the tiles throughout our house, but get your small baby to do some tummy-to-crawling exercises to build up strength in his/her neck and shoulders. Then once he’s going , encourage crawling as much as possible. The cross-over movement is so important in a variety of developmental milestones throughout childhood.

  4. Play music – from Beethoven to Bob Marley, babies love calm music and it is one of the most important tool for brain growth. It will keep you calm and your spirits high too!

  5. Sing to your baby – the first thing your baby will learn is to connect the feel of your touch, the sound of your voice, and the sight of your face with getting his or her needs for comfort and food met.

  6. A sound box is another way to stimulate baby’s brain power and hearing sense. You don’t need elaborate toys for this as you can make your own shakers with rice/beans/sand/water/beads. Add a few little containers with the various elements into a box baby can reach and let him/her give them a shake and listen to each sound.

  7. Read to your baby – it’s never to early to start and baby can learn so much through your voice expression and the colourful illustrations of a story. There’s nothing better than cuddling up with your little one and a couple of books and at the same time boost your baby’s brain power.

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